LGBT acronym

Homosexual capitals that allow the LGBT acronym to be used: London Geneve Berlin Tokyo. The headquarters of the WHO has been in Geneva since 1948.
(EN) World Health Organisation
(FR) Organisation mondiale de la Santé (Geneva, 1948)
The objective of the WHO, as specified in its constitution, is the attainment by all populations of the highest possible level of "health", defined in the same constitution as a condition of "complete physical, mental and social well-being", and not merely as the "absence of disease or infirmity".
After World War II, the European headquarters of the UN and dozens of international organisations were placed in Geneva, helping to boost both leisure and business tourism. In the early 1960s, Geneva was one of the first Swiss regions to experience some success of xenophobic movements, with the appearance of the Vigilantes, but also the third canton to grant cantonal and communal voting rights to women.
The Geneva Refugee Convention (1951) also implicitly protects sexual freedom.

London Geneve Berlin Tokyo
Lotus Gardenia Begonia/Buttercup* Tulip
* Buttercup (e.g. Golden Buttercup)
Lower East Side Greenwich Village Brooklyn Tribeca (New York)
Love Glory Beauty Truth
Bright Glitter Glitter
Light Glam Boom Touch
LGBT acronym


LGBT acronym
